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<%=rs.recordcount%> <%if CurrentPage=1 then%> 首頁(yè) 上一頁(yè) <%else%> 首頁(yè) 上一頁(yè) <%end if%> <% if CurrentPage-4<=1 then if CurrentPage=1 then %> 1 <% else for i=1 to CurrentPage-1 %><%=i%> <% next %> <%=CurrentPage%> <% end if else if Currentpage-4=2 then %> 1 <% else %> 1... <% end if for i=CurrentPage-4 to CurrentPage-1 %> <%=i%> <%next %> <%=CurrentPage%> <% end if if CurrentPage+4>rs.pagecount then j=rs.pagecount elseif CurrentPage+4=rs.pagecount then j=rs.pagecount-1 else j=CurrentPage+4 end if if CurrentPage<>rs.pagecount then for k=CurrentPage+1 to j %> <%=k%> <% next end if if rs.pagecount-CurrentPage>=4 then if rs.pagecount-CurrentPage>5 then %> ...<%=rs.pagecount%> <% else %> <%=rs.pagecount%> <%end if end if %> <%if CurrentPage=rs.pagecount then%> 下一頁(yè) 尾頁(yè) <%else%> 下一頁(yè) 尾頁(yè) <%end if%>
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