
【字體: 】      
集萃印花網(wǎng)  2020-04-28










Dear exhibitors, visitors and friends in the industry,

     Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Organizing Committee of Guangzhou International Textile Printing Industrial Technology Exhibition (CITPE) has paid close attention to the trends of the epidemic and fully cooperated with government’s work of epidemic prevention and control.

     Given the global impact of COVID-19, in order to guarantee the health and safety of exhibitors and ensure the exhibition effects, the organizing committee has decided to postpone the 2020 Guangzhou (15th) International Textile Printing Industrial Technology Exhibition, which was originally scheduled to be held at the Pazhou Poly World Trade Exhibition Center in Guangzhou from May 16th to 18th.

     2020CITPE is temporarily postponed until the beginning of August. Once the exact time is confirmed we will inform you at the first time by the official website and our WeChat official account.

     We apologize for the inconvenience caused and appreciate for your understanding. Next, we will continue to pay close attention to the development of the epidemic, do our best to arrange the follow-up things, and strive to create a best visiting environment for you, bringing you a risk-free industry event.

     Thank you for your attention and understanding. After the outbreak, the market will usher in a rapid rebound and development. At that time, we will present a wonderful annual event for you.


     Organizing Committee of CITPE

     April 24, 2020

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